Looking Back AT

attendees loved it

Don’t take our word for it. See what people said about FactualWEST.

“We fell in love with this event, with Vancouver, and with the attendees. Everything was perfectly organized and so personal.  I have done many events and never have I felt so welcome and appreciated.” 
Tim Crescenti | Small World IFT

“I wanted to take the time to tell you all how fantastic I thought your FACTUALWEST event was on Saturday. I was really impressed by the venue, the presenters, and the food! It was also heartwarming to see so many talented directors, writers, and editors networking and getting inspired. The factual community in Vancouver is really benefiting from this event and an organization like Field & Post.”
– FactualWEST Attendee
FactualWEST Attendee

I just wanted to send a note to say congratulations on throwing such an amazing event this weekend. I can’t believe how brilliant the lectures I attended were, and the networking event afterwards provided such a nice, relaxed atmosphere.
FactualWEST Attendee

“Mingling-networking and seminars were tops!! Honestly, I got way more out of it than this years’ Banff.”
FactualWEST Attendee


FactualWEST 2016 was presented by Field & Post Vancouver
with the generous support of:

Co-Presenting Partners
CMPA-BC | CreativeBC

Funding Partner

Premium Sponsors
Entertainment One | Force Four Entertainment | Paperny Enertainment

Partner Sponsors
FusionCine | HSBC Bank Canada

Senior Sponsors
Omnifilm Entertainment | Great Pacific Media| Chandler Fogden Aldous Entertainment Law

Contributing Sponsors & Supporters
Finale Post
William F White 
| Line21

thank you to our 2016 team

FactualWEST thanks everyone who puts so much time, energy and passion into making this event possible.

Event Producer
Amber Orchard

FactualWEST 2016 Indusry Advisory Board
John Ritchie (CCO, Force Four Entertainment), Chair

Liz Shorten (CMPA-BC)

Christine Larsen (Creative BC)

Kate Green (Freelance Producer/Story Editor)

David Paperny (President, Paperny Entertainment)

Cheryl Binning (Freelance Writer/Supervising Story Producer)

David Gullason (Executive and Series Producer, Omni Film)

Mark Miller (CEO, Great Pacific Television)

David Way (Creative Director, Great Pacific Television)

Dana Johl (Head of Production, Force Four Entertainment)

Robert Hardy (Perfect Day Productions)

Field and Post 2016 Vancouver Board of Directors
Kate Green, President
Robert Hardy, Vice President
Dana Johl, Treasurer

FactualWEST is brought to you by Field and Post