Schedule & Registration

Factualwest  2017

After the success of this year’s event, we’re looking forward to planning next year.

Long story or short

FactualWEST’s sessions are streamed so you can focus on developing the skills you care about most: Storytelling, Producing, Field Skills, Post-Production and Development. Each stream offers a number of practical sessions with top talent. We’re also bringing in creators and producers who are making shows for Netflix and other digital channels to share their ideas on new ways of doing things.

SCHEDULE & speakers

FactualWEST 2017 featured some the industy’s most knowledgeable and experienced people, giving their insights on developing great ideas, producing amazing shows, making the most of your creative, financing, and working with network executives…
you name it, they’ve got it covered.

<a id="sched-embed" href="">View the FactualWEST 2017 schedule & directory.</a><script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
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Morris J Wosk Centre for Dialogue

580 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC